Project Bulletin: Pre-Onsite Meeting, St. Vincent & the Grenadines

Project Bulletin: Pre-Onsite Meeting, St. Vincent & the Grenadines

Some of the members of the Mutual Evaluation Assessment Team assigned to St. Vincent and the Grenadines

The Mutual Evaluation Assessment Team, assigned to St. Vincent and the Grenadines, held its Pre-Onsite meeting at the CFATF Secretariat from 27th February 2023 to 2nd March 2023. Ms. Camille Renie, Legal Advisor at the CFATF, serves as the Mission Leader while Mr. Loxly Ricketts, CFATF’s Deputy Executive Director, serves as co-Mission Leader.
The Pre-Onsite meeting allows the assessment team to conduct detailed face-to-face preparations for the onsite mission, and includes activities such as:

  • Reviewing the Technical Compliance Annex (TC Annex), the effectiveness document prepared by the assessed jurisdiction and all other relevant data.
  • Reviewing and analysing specific issues identified from the desk-based review process, with guidance from the Secretariat’s technical staff.
  • Preparation of questions for the onsite and conducting mock interviews.

The onsite visit to St. Vincent and the Grenadines is scheduled to take place in March 2023 with support from the 11th European Development Fund Project.

Previous CFATF completes Pre-Assessment Training with Belize

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