International Monetary Fund

Special Characteristics of the IMF's AML/CFT Technical Assistance

The IMF’s AML/CFT technical assistance aims to improve AML/CFT regimes worldwide and to provide concrete support to the IMF’s membership. This assistance is delivered through timely and high-level programs customized to fit the specific needs and priorities of IMF member countries and their respective institutions.

IMF AML/CFT technical assistance is provided on a voluntary, cooperative basis, i.e., at the request and with the assistance of the authorities of that country. It is based on international standards and best practices derived, inter alia, from the Vienna Convention, the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism, relevant UN Security Council Resolutions, and the FATF 40+9 Recommendations.

The IMF attaches great importance to country ownership. To ensure that the IMF’s technical assistance is effective and brings lasting benefits, it is planned and carried out with the full involvement of the authorities of the recipient country at each stage of the process-from the identification of needs, determined by discussion and agreement on terms of reference and project goals through implementation and follow-up.

Depending on the circumstances, some technical assistance needs may be met by short-term engagements while others may require longer-term commitments. Accordingly, technical assistance may be provided in the form of headquarters-based advice, short-term on-site advisory missions, assignment of longer-term experts or resident advisors, and national or regional seminars and workshops. Such assistance may be provided bilaterally, to a single jurisdiction, or in the form of a regional program covering several jurisdictions.

Since 2009, most of the AML/CFT technical assistance is externally financed through a multi-donor Topical Trust Fund.

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Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

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